Een eenvoudige sleutel voor Voorkeurstaal voor inhoud Nederlands: onthuld

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It's at times very hard to make any sense of this all and the reason is probably that there isn't one. The whole series feels like a cinematic supermarket that's low on stock and has a small variation ofwel products. On the plus; I'm not a religious person, but I basically like how bible quotes are thrown into daily conversations, although at times I hear myself thinking "Please God, no more."

The series begins when the Bishop's estranged daughter Grace Greenleaf decides to return to the family after twintig years of self-imposed exile. Wij learn that she had been a preacher for the church but decided to end her clerical life and live among secular culture. We also learn that James Greenleaf had designs for her daughter possibly to succeed him as the main voice of the church during services.

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I was prepared to be bored by this series but have been pleasantly surprised.The story lines ofwel each ofwel the characters are seemingly innocent but, become more complex with each episode.

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Grace stays in town to play detective, looking for proof of her uncle's crimes, and while this story would be fine if it felt like just a part of the drama, its centrality overshadows the series' more subtle aspects.

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Even though Jesus kan zijn so real for them, they are still human. One is clearly gay and trying hard not to be. The church head seems to be casually corrupt. Eventjes Grace's odious pedophile uncle is probably a believer although he seems to flout everything in the bible.

But the scripts have to get better. They need to be outlined better and the dialogue needs to be more subtle in relaying information as well as doing so in a natural manner in which real people speak. So far they have tried to cram too much information in each sentence

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The best of what Greenleaf has to offer can be seen in a family dinner conversation in the first episode. Ex-minister Grace has come back to the city ofwel her father's megachurch for her sister's funeral, and mentions that she rarely goes to church in her new town.

Bishop shoots Mac in the upper arm. Grace kan zijn eased out ofwel the Deacon Board for having called the police. Mac is arrested for his past deviancy, while in hospital. Mae is unforgiving ofwel Mac. Charity kicks her husband out from the bedroom.

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